
National Taiwan University 

IB5100  [Entrepreneurial Finance I ], 2024 Fall    Monday  9:10-12:10  (Location: 管一104)

2024 Fall TA  

JTA  許若琦 Annie Hsu  (國企所R12) R12724008@ntu.edu.tw  annie100240@gmail.com   

Week / Date / Schedule

1 9/2        Syllabus /   [ Week 1 Slides: Orientation | Presentation Details  ] 

2 9/9          Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance/  Mini-case  /

3 9/16 (No Class - Mid-Autumn Holiday)

4     9/23       Evaluating Venture Opportunities   / 

5 9/30 The Financial Plan   / 

6 10/7 Ownership and Returns 

7 10/14 Valuation Methods  

8 10/21 Mid-Term Exam    

9 10/28 Term Sheets 

10 11/4 Structuring Deals    [ Corporate Governance (Self-Study) ]

11 11/11 Staged Financing 

12 11/18 Debt Financing  | Thanksgiving Day 

13 11/25 Exit 

14 12/2 Venture Capital/ [ Early Stage Investors (Self-Study) ]| Final Report Instruction

15 12/9 Ecosystems/ Review Session

16 12/16 Submit [4] Final Report 

Enrollment Policy (2024-2025): 


(一) GMBA或交換生 (ID beginning with A or T) 

(二) 新創、創業、金融有興趣者 (至少參與過相關社團、或競賽、或活動實習等,形式不拘),請來信說明索取授權碼。

MGT2001  [Statistics I &II ]

2024 Fall  Monday  14:20-17:20  (Location: 管二 102) /2025 Spring Monday 09:20-12:20 

2024 Fall TA:   

STA 許聖慧 (統研所R12)  R12H41006@ntu.edu.tw  

JTA  吳冠霖 (統研所R13)  R13H41014@ntu.edu.tw 

W/ Date/ Topic

1 2024/09/02 Syllabus /  [ Week 1 Slides: Orientation ]

2 2024/09/09 Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking

3 2024/09/16 Methods for Describing Sets of Data

4 2024/09/23 (Online Class: Introduction of Business Academic Research)

5 2024/09/30 Probability

6 2024/10/7       Random Variables and Probability Distributions

7 2024/10/14 Random Variables and Probability Distributions (Continuous)

8 2024/10/21 Mid-Term Exam

9 2024/10/28 Sampling Distributions

10 2024/11/04 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Estimation with Confidence Intervals  [區間估計 上]

11 2024/11/11 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Estimation with Confidence Intervals  [區間估計  下]

12 2024/11/18 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypothesis | Thanksgiving Day 

13 2024/11/25 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypothesis

14 2024/12/2 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypothesis

15 2024/12/9 Review Session

16 2024/12/16 Final Exam

2025 Spring TA:   TBD

1      2024/2/19       Syllabus and Manual Enrollment  [Week 1 Slides: Orientation

2 2024/2/26 Inferences Based on Two Samples

3 2024/3/4 Inferences Based on Two Samples

4 2024/3/11 Inferences Based on Two Samples

5 2024/3/18 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

6 2024/3/25 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 

7 2024/4/1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 

8 2024/4/8 Mid-Term Exam

9 2024/4/15 Simple Linear Regression ( Model & Beta_OLS   11.1-11.2)

10 2024/4/22 Simple Linear Regression  ( Assumption and CI, Hypothesis Testing 11.3-11.4) 

11 2024/4/29 Simple Linear Regression  | Excel   ( R-squared & Predictions & Excel   11.5-11.7) 

12 2024/5/6 Multiple Regression  ( Model & Beta_OLS  12.1-12.3) 

13 2024/5/13 Multiple Regression  ( Dummy Variable, DID  12.5-12.6) Excel 

14 2024/5/20 (Excel 2 Preparation) | Introduction to Academic Research 

15 2024/5/27 Review Session (Past Exam   |  Answer  )

16 2024/6/3 Final Exam 

Enrollment Policy (2025-2026): 



三、授權碼將於初選後依照申請順序與以下考量進行發放 (已選上人數+ 流通在外授權碼 = 教室上限人數 80人):

(一)  對商業數據分析有興趣者 (至少同時修商管程或相關課程),請來信說明索取授權碼

(二)  國企 二 = 會計 二 =  國企三、四或以上  >  管院四 > 三 > 二 > 外系四 > 三 > 二。


IB 3005  [International Financial Management], 2025 Spring  Monday  14:20-17:20 (Location: MGT Building I, Room 104)


Week / Date / Schedule

1 2024/2//19 Syllabus / Manual Enrollment  [ Week 1 Slides: Orientation ]

2 2024/2/26 Ch 4 Financial Goals | Presentation Detail 

3 2024/3/4 Ch 2 International Monetary System  

4 2024/3/11 Ch 3 Balance of Payment  | White House Economic Report 

5 2024/3/18 Ch 5 Foreign Exchange Market  | 

6 2024/3/25 Ch 6 International Parity Condition    | 

7 2024/4/1 Ch 7 Futures and Options 

8 2024/4/8           Mid-Term Exam

9 2024/4/15 Ch 8 Swap | SEC EDGAR  10-K     

10 2024/4/22 Ch10 Transaction 

11 2024/4/29 Ch12 Operating

12 2024/5/6 Ch11 Translation

13 2024/5/13 Ch13 Global Cost of Capital (Financing) | Ch14 Funding Resources (Financing)

14 2024/5/20 Ch18 Global Capital Budgeting (Investing)  

15 2024/5/27 Review Session 

16 2024/6/3 Final Exam

Enrollment Policy (2024-2025): 


二、預設第二類加選,額外加簽至多至教室座位數上限,加簽順序國企四 > 三  > 管院四 > 三  > 外系四 > 三 。


University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

FIN 221  (Corporate Finance) , 2022 Spring  Section ADJ 32529 , ADL 32531, ADQ 32556. 

USFSR Research Systems Inc. 

Introduction of Personal Finance, July 202

Introduction of Personal Investment, July 2020